this last month or so has been the month for makeup brushes! i started building my makeup brush collection about a year ago and now i have added 18 new brushes to join the family.
ebay is my first main port o'call for makeup brushes since their inexpensive and work amazing well, and that is where most of my brushes are from bar some i got from elf - i dont believe in spending 20odd pound on a single brush so i do it cheaper!
the first brushes i got are the w7 ones, i got 2 of the 04 from fragrance direct and im not sure that they will be in that haul! i also got a 02 and a angled eyeshadow brush - totally disclaimer i was sent these and they will be reviewed very soon!
the next brushes i got are the black and gold ones. i ordered this of ebay as a set of 4 for - wait for it - £1.46 ofcourse they was from hongkong but they arrived 2 weeks after i brought them which is pretty good going really!
last but not least are the ones in the middle - a pack of 10! this comes with 5 large face brushes and 5 small face/eye brushes. this cost me all of £8.75 i believe and their amazing! i did order the black and gold but i received the silver ones - no biggy really!
im sure that these wont be the last brushes i buy, but im happy - for now!
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