hi loves,

today i want to open your minds to a brand that most bloggers have been speaking about lately and that is w7, a inexpensive brand that has been around for years, i remember owning lipgloss from them at 14! but its only been recently that the company has blown up. the thing with this brand is you can get it really cheap and some items are fabulous quality and i think there worth the money. so im going to show you some items im lusting after and some places you can get it from, but first lets find out about the company shall we?
About W7 (taken from the w7 website):
W7 Make Up, the inspiration of two entrepreneurial young men from West London was created in 2002. Their aim – that every woman should have access to an extensive range of high quality cosmetics at an affordable price – is now well on the way to becoming a reality.
The company has grown year on year and now W7 boasts a collection of over 500 products including: nail polish, lipsticks and glosses, eyeshadows and more mascaras than you could dream off.
places you can buy W7:
you can buy w7 from fragrancedirect, some chemists, a lot of market stalls that sell makeup, and ebay is where i get alot of my w7 items from!
items that i want and will be getting:

to show a few!
just to say this isnt a sponsored post, they dont know im doing this post, i just thought that my beauties would be interested in finding out that these are around! and look at them lipsticks, dont they look like the nyx ones?!?!
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